
本次「嘉義市文創產業交流論壇」,以 拉力 (pull-in) 與 推力 (push-out) 兩種力量,從較高的視野來探討嘉義市的文化韌性,希望透過拉力與推力的循環整合,建構能讓市民及社會大眾共感的城市,打造嘉義市成為世代宜居的臺灣新都心。 ...



延續連線選物計畫( TWDW Select) 過往只有在國外舉行,這是第一次我們集結精選台灣設計品牌於熙來人往的紅樓進行展售,挑選了許多台灣設計師品牌,每月還會有新增品牌新品上市,從文具、飾品、服飾袋包到家居用品帶給大家不間斷設計饗宴。...

With abundant natural forestry, Yilan County hopes to combine its cultural elements to create a dreamland for children. By organizing Yilan Chair Design Competition and exhibition, which has become one of the most well-known events of the region, the government is looking forward to promoting the county’s culture and creative industry together with “International Children's Folklore & Folkgame Festival, Yilan” to attract creative talents and make good use of the resources of Yilan.

To provide understanding of the Chinese ancient culture and make it more accessible to the public, National Palace Museum organized “National Treasure Merchandise Design Competition” and themed as “Rediscover the beauty beyond time”. 162 pieces of cultural artifacts were selected and served as open source for the participants to search for inspiration, while their photos and introductions were uploaded onto the website database.

The program “Dechnology”allows designers to collaborate with technology industries, enhances exchange between the two, in hope to open up new paths and more practical cooperation in the future.