2024 年是台灣無印良品 20 週年,MUJI 無印良品特別企劃「Make the Earth Better_永續.再生.共好」展覽,透過「回收塑料」、「枯危木」、「水庫淤泥」、「木絲水泥」以及「紙包裝」等五大素材,向顧客分享台灣無印良品如何利用回收材並與在地連結共好的具體實例。...

Initiated by the Taitung County Government, the project "Slow Flow Taitung" gathers selected creations from Taitung's cultural and creative artisans and brings the distinctive local products directly to Taipei once again.

The theme of this exhibition is "What does 'Chiayi Creative Hub' create?" It invites local businesses to showcase the various cultural assets, creative products, and unique souvenirs of Chiayi City, sharing delightful stories about entrepreneurship and life in the city.

This exhibition serves as the thematic pavilion for the Creative Expo Taiwan 2023, coordinated by designer Tong Ho, aiming to explore the origins and evolution of craftsmanship.


為響應大會主題「Enjoy」,今年臺灣工藝館(Taiwan Crafts and Design)定調在「Evolving Life」(進化生活),藉此傳達臺灣工藝得以使生活持續進化的樂觀精神。同時也為了與國際市場對接,今年有逾60件臺灣出品的工藝品牌家具家飾與工藝中心推動之概念作品,再度於「Signature主題館」登場。...