Taiwan Designers’ Week 19’ LITE is inviting you to spot designers’ backstage and the mechanisms behind the industry with us. In the upcoming programme, we will provide you with the most updated design trends and freshest ideas, that promises not to disappoint.

Led by NTCRI (National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute), the ongoing A New Layer project aims to build new partnerships and platform between Taiwanese and international designers and craftspeople. In 2017, the project moved into its second phase, with research and development wrapping up on "A New Layer II: Crafting Identities / Design Stories from Taiwan".

設計是尋找改變契機的動能!透過投入生活的設計能量,帶動周遭事物的對話互動,迸發更多反饋及想像。 台灣設計師週正式邁入第10年,13項館內外展覽與活動,邀您一同來感受10年來台灣設計發展的影響力!三大展館中含括《3×3 Design Show設計產業形象展》展出近70家不同產業的設計能量;從品牌新品發表、初次曝光的本土品牌家具,到國內指標性設計獎項的獲獎作品,了解各產業發展的設計思維。...

Curiosity opens up the unknown adventure, motivating the journey of exploration that derived from the passion for life. Let us see how design impact the world and bring happiness to our lives.

Get out of your comfort zone, break down the boundaries and find more possibilities. Design is more than just objects beyond time-space and cultures. We need unlimited possibilities and extraordinary ideas, new ways of thinking and more experiments. The characteristics of crossover design – affect wider, think further, feel deeper and get closer – turn on the limitless infectiousness.

Together across uncertainty of the end of the world, analyzing all the things we used to take for granted, we realize that through each person we met, each object we own and relationships we have, design is what brings us a better life. Great design is not only what turns the world around. It’s hidden in every small part that surrounds us. “Designer” is not just a title, but an attitude of facing every unknown ahead.

Taiwan has been a key link in global industry chain, providing the world with design research and development services. Influenced by global industry development and trends, industries in Taiwan are now facing the turning point to transform and reform, wishing to jump out of the traditional production and manufacturing boxes and create a new force through design that pushes people to go forward.

2011 is the 100th year since Republic of China established. This is a symbolic year, also a milestone, just like standing on top of an era, you can look back at the past, or lo ok to the future. Looking back on the past means to reflect, cherish, understand the history and the accumulated culture and wisdom, to be used as a rich inspiration base; look to the future means a more far-sighted pattern, thinking about how to create a more sustainable tomorrow.

“I care!” Designers have always been concerned about life, pay attention to the environment, and the changing trends. In addition to extending the spirit of “Share” and “Enjoy” from last year, the theme of this year is to emphasize the concern of the designers for various aspects in life in the world.

Themed as “Share & Enjoy”, Taiwan Designers’ Week’09 highlighted the importance of design that it is to closely connect to people’s lives and the idea of sharing creates more joy. With a new venue at Huashan 1914 Creative Park, which offers a more flexible use of space, it allows more creativities to be performed and exhibited.