2011 TWDW - WISH

a view for the future


2011 is the 100th year since Republic of China established. This is a symbolic year, also a milestone, just like standing on top of an era, you can look back at the past, or lo ok to the future. Looking back on the past means to reflect, cherish, understand the history and the accumulated culture and wisdom, to be used as a rich inspiration base; look to the future means a more far-sighted pattern, thinking about how to create a more sustainable tomorrow.
The theme of Taiwan Designers’ Week’11 is WISH: a view for the future, which is to explore the designer’s view of the past, present and future, and how they look at and preserve the culture to develop into works that can influence the next generation. WISH, not only contains a prayer, but also a blessing for the infinite possibility and imaginative vision towards future.
There are 10 exhibitions and events at Taiwan Designers’ Week’11, 14 curated exhibitions at “Theme Zone”, 50 exhibitors at “3×3 Design Show”, “Rising Star” which is a project open for the public to call for good pieces of design, “Let’s Talk Design”, 15 talks were given by designers from various fields; 6 “Design Worshops”, “Design Market” on weekends, “Design Link” which cooperate with design institutions and shops to co-promote good design events, “Open House” collaborated with 7 design studios to open their door for the public to learn about their work; “Buy Design”, an online pop-up shop; “Go Design”, a project that selects design hotspots in the city. Over the 10 day duration, Taiwan Designers’ Week’11 reached 60,000 visitors, with more than 380 participated designers and 430 pieces of work showcased. Media coverage includes 7 exposures from broadcasts, 9 from TV, 10 from newspaper, 15 from magazines and more than 40 from online media.
2011台灣設計師週的主題設定為:WISH: a view for the future,將主題延伸至時間軸,探詢設計師對於過去、現在、未來的觀點,以及如何藉由設計去審視、保存過去的文化與歷史,並發展成能夠影響下一個世代的作品。WISH,不但有100年的祈願、祝福之意,也意味著個領域設計師們想像中的未來願景及設計無限可能的盼望。
今年,台灣設計師週許下一個未來的願望 WISH:Welbeing、Interaction、Sustainability、Humanity。願設計能創造更良好適宜的生活與經驗;願設計能與使用者彼此溝通,建立物中有我的互動;願設計多元永續,與環境共存共榮;願設計關懷人性,回應更多生活的可能性——這是台灣設計師週對自身的期許,也是對設計師、對設計、對設計所能創造的未來所抱的盼望。
2011/9/16 – 2011/9/25
Huashan 1914 Creative Park