2021年4月,「文創+1製造所」正式成立,將近六個月以來,我們認識了非常多熱血的產業夥伴,除了努力回應大家的需求,也聽到了大家對於嘉義市未來文創產業發展的期待。​ ​ 因此在年度計畫的尾聲,特別舉辦一場產業交流座談會,想邀請大家一起聊聊:​在2022年之後,嘉義市的文創產業會是什麼樣子?​以及「文創+1製造所」能夠為嘉義市的文創產業做些什麼?​...

「設計週」(Design Week) 之所以迷人,除了背後的商業推動,更重要的事情是,它同時也是匯集改變力量的介面,集結教育、美學、設計思考等各種創新力量,也因此成為城市行銷的利器,更是城市創新能量的代名詞之一。在現行的設計評論、相關研究和報導當中,著重的都是設計師個人以及作品本身,對於承載內容的設計週平台的運行與規劃之相關探討,可說是相當稀缺。有鑑於此,當年在規劃國際設計週論壇時,其中一個重要的目的就是讓各國設計週能夠有機會透過深度交流,探討「辦理設計展會」的組織單位面臨的瓶頸與困境,並從中找到可能的、且具有開創性的解決方案。這樣的規劃對於當時屬於各自為政的各國設計週平台夥伴們,實為一個難得的機會。...

Taiwan Designers’ Week 19’ LITE is inviting you to spot designers’ backstage and the mechanisms behind the industry with us. In the upcoming programme, we will provide you with the most updated design trends and freshest ideas, that promises not to disappoint.

How do design exhibitions drive local design ecology and enrich cultural fabrics? How do design exhibitions link large, medium, and small design energies in the city, showcasing the creativity and diverse looks of design industry?

For the first time Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam (AFFR) came to Taipei in November 2015, the curator Jord den Hollander has selected three documentaries featuring Dutch architecture:《The Greatest of Dutch Architects》,《The School as a City》and《Reaching for the Sky》to open up a conversation between Taiwan and the Netherlands in the field of architecture.

In celebration of the opening of a brand new space at Taipei Expo Park, first edition of “Taipei Expo Park Design Month” launched in October 2013. Focusing on “sustainable living, greener lifestyle, greater vision and design thinking”, over 45 designers and professionals were invited to participate in the fair to share their knowledge, experiences and lifestyles, with 13 talks and 16 workshops were held in over 17 days.