Mini Factory : A pop-up market with a focus on design

台灣設計師連線與當代藝術館首度合作,在5/16-17週末兩天,於台北當代藝術館前廣場舉辦「MINI FACTORY 設計小工廠」市集活動。不同於一般創意市集,MINI FACTORY的內容聚焦於設計師的工作情境,希望帶來一個異於以往的設計概念小工廠——透過手作體驗活動,讓大家在親手接觸、製作少量生產的作品時,進一步認識設計師的日常。


“Mini Factory” is also a party that people can make friends and talk with designers, we gathered independent designers including Fun Maker, Mêkak Maker Project, MOCA bricks, Punndle, R/H Design, An Flower……etc, presenting works with materials of wood, concrete, thread and flowers. One of the most popular corners at the market is the screen printing workshop, where people can choose between a notebook, tote bag or your own object to putting on a lovely graphic exclusively designed for Mini Factory by graphic designer Echo Yang.⋯⋯等,創作材料涵蓋木料、水泥、花材、紗線、積木組件等不同媒材,於市集現場透過翻模、拼裝、纏繞及黏貼等手法進行概念創作,產出獨特商品。MINI FACTORY現場也開放絹版印刷體驗,讓民眾親自動手嘗試絹版印刷及套色的流程。


「MINI FACTORY 設計小工廠」強調設計製作的行為本身,將互動體驗帶入市集活動,別於一般做法,拉回設計市集的創作主軸與精神。